
Monday, April 25, 2011

My Road To The Life Of Network Marketing And My Reason Why

"DON'T EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOU CAN'T DO SOMETHING...NOT EVEN ME." (from the movie The Pursuit of Happiness)

When I first became involved with Network Marketing in January of 2010 I was just fired from my job in the nursing field (which I loved), pregnant with my 3rd son, and down on life.  I knew I needed to find a way to make money from home because daycare would be too expensive for 3 children.  So I found Network Marketing.  My mentors would always be asking "why" did you choose network marketing?  My reply was "I need to be able to stay home with my kids and make money."

I'm going to share with you my story on why this is no longer my reason for choosing networking marketing as a career.  I first need to give you a little background about me. So if you don't REALLY want to get to know me...stop reading now.  On the other hand if you want to know someone who grew up with everything a child could ask for, has lived with nothing, and is now realizing her purpose in on. (This may get a little long, but is all needed to get my point across.)

I grew up an only child and spoiled.  My parents were fairly well to do but with good work ethic.  I grew up showing Arabian horses (not a cheap hobby).  At the age of 16 I was given a car and a $15,000 horse, had a nice house, parents that loved me.  After high school I went on to college...flunked out.  After coming home I began to hang with the wrong crowd of people and my parents gave some tough love and said "you want that lifestyle....go live it."  So I did and I learned "the grass isn't greener on the other side of that fence"!  Moved back home.  Got my life back on track..a little. That was at age 23.

Fast forward to age 24.  I was working in the nursing field, married to an abusive husband when I met my best friend and 2nd husband.  I divorced my first husband, lived in a friend's basement until me and my best friend could afford our own place.  During this time we got married and were able to get our own place in Des Moines Iowa only to learn we were living way above our means and got evicted.  We moved in with a relative of his, no jobs, my Ford Ranger Truck got repossessed, and I was pregnant.  This was the time of my life where I had nothing and had lost my sense of self.  I'm not sharing this for sympathy, just to give you an understanding of where I came from.

Fast forward to age 29.  We moved to a farm in Cedar Falls Iowa where I could pursue my dream career of training Arabian horses.  During this time we welcomed our second son in the world.  We lived there for 3 years until the good situation went bad and we decided to move closer to family.

We moved to Carroll Iowa where we live now.  Horses have always been a part of my family's life and I miss them horribly. I realized shortly after moving here I wasn't the only one missing the "farm life."  My 7 year old son was really down one day and I asked him what was wrong.  He said "I miss the farm."  As mentioned above I started network marketing in 2010, and after seeing my son's tears and hearing that one sentence I knew what my "why" was for network marketing.  It was to make enough money for us to live the "farm life" again.

This past weekend my "why" showed up right before my eyes, totally unexpected, and twice.  I was on my way to Wal-mart with my 7 year old and 2 year old, having a bad day, and really needing something to lift my spirits on this Easter weekend. Then, as I turned the corner there it was.  The Carroll County Saddle Club was giving pony rides.  My son's face immediately said "can we stop?" Of course, I did. It was my 2 year old's first ride. The smiles on their faces were priceless.  I have promised my son within the next 5 years we will have our own farm.  Then, today I was sitting outside with my kids thinking of yesterday's events. Just as I was thinking "Why I am a network marketer isn't about the money, it's about my children's happiness", a family riding horses came right down our street! Honest.  There we were again around what we want more than anything...the "farm life."

The reason I am a network marketer is no longer about the money that can be made.  It is SO MUCH MORE! It is about having the ability and the knowledge to help others achieve their dreams (not a million dollars) and what they REALLY want to experience in life.  It's also about having the ability to give my children whatever it is that makes them happy.  Sure it takes money to give them the things that make them happy, but it's no longer about how much money. Money doesn't buy happiness.  With my success in network marketing we will have the "farm life."  My BURNING DESIRE to succeed has turned into a bonfire after this past weekend.

With all this said, here is what I want you to think about.  Your reason "why" you are a network marketer is actually disguised behind the amount of money you desire.

This was a very personal post and I hope you enjoyed it.  If you are interested in learning more about network marketing, me, or my primary company please email me at  I look forward to your comments.

To Your Success,
Margaret Wilson