Network Marketers are very busy people. Some people think that home business owners just sit in front of a computer all day and "do nothing." We know that is not true. In order to effectively run and build a home business we have to keep a website up to date, create a blog (if desired) and add content to it, continously advertise what we have to offer by posting links or occasionally chat on the social sites, keep in contact with our leads, read books to increase our value, etc. Don't get me wrong, these activites are important if you desire success.
But what is it that really grows our business? Income Producing Activities. Busy work such as organizing our workspace, phone numbers, data, checking email too often, or other miscellancous activity can kill a business. WHY? Because doing these things are important, but they are not going to bring anyone into your business, and often are used to procrastinate what really needs to be done.
Income producing activities will help you build your business. I have listed the activities I believe should be done on a daily basis.
1. Make Phone Calls to leads- 2-3 hours a day minimum
2. Add new contacts to social sites and send a messege - 1/2 hour max.
3. Write a blog post - 1-2 hours
4. Put an announcement for your blog post on all social groups 1 hour
5. Respond to emails/calls - 1 hour
6. Make phone calls to aquaitances on social sites just to introduce yourself 1-2 hours
7. Update your status on social sites offering value/link to website 1/2 hour
These are the activities that are going to grow your business and drive traffic to your websites. So...if you're struggling with getting leads, getting people to join your business, or getting people interested in your product you're probably spending too much time on the busy work and procrastinating on what needs to be done. I highly advice to use a daily planner or agenda and schedule everything for the day. Being a mother of 3 I even go as far as including meal times, snack times, and bedtime. This helps me put the income producing activites first. The key to having a schedule is sticking to it. I realize things may come up or may not go as planned. When that happens you simply need to adjust your schedule.
To Your Success,
Margaret Wilson